Blog – What To Do After A Vehicle Accident

Well Dunn Insurance Blog , Taxi Insurance , Vehicle Insurance , Business Car Insurance

Have you ever been involved in a car accident?

If so you will know that it can be quite frightening and is difficult to remember what you need to do.

We’ve compiled a short guide of things to do if you are in this situation. See out tips below.

At the roadside:

  1. Stop – it’s an offense to not stop at the scene of a car accident. No matter how much damage was done.
  2. Do you need the emergency services? – Check if you need to call for an ambulance to attend to any injuries or if the road is blocked, call the police.
  3. Give others your details – whatever you do, do not accept or deny responsibility for the accident. You are obliged to give your name and address to the other drivers involved. If you hit a parked vehicle, you must leave your details on the car so they can contact you at a later date.
  4. Collect others details – You should try and collect the following information of all those involved in the accident, including passengers.
    1. Name
    2. Address
    3. Contact Numbers.

Ask the drivers if they are the registered keepers of the vehicles and if not, collect this information. You should also ask drivers for their insurance details. You can now check that the other driver is on the Motor Insurance database on the roadside on your mobile at http://askmid.com/


If someone drives away from the scene of the accident without giving their information, call the police immediately and try to give the vehicle’s registration number.

Take notes of the colours, makes and models of the cars involved as well as details of the damage to the cars and any injuries sustained.

It’s important to get an accurate time and date for the insurers. Try to take a note of the road conditions including weather, lighting and road surface.

Finally, try to sketch the positions of the vehicles involved or take pictures. Some drivers carry disposable cameras for this purpose but mobile phones will be perfect for this and will help jog your memory when recalling the details.


Remember to inform your insurer about the accident. Include all the information you have taken including contact details and information on the damage sustained. You will be asked for as much information as you can give so the photos and diagrams will prove very useful.

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