Safest Countries To Drive In

Well Dunn Insurance Blog , Safe Driving

Whenever you are planning a holiday in a different country, the thought of whether to drive or not comes for a good reason. Driving down an unknown land gives you the freedom to explore the locales at your own pace. However, not every country offers safe roads to it’s users. Driving in a different country can often offer nasty surprises such as incorrigible road signs and speedy drivers.  It is imperative to understand the driving conditions of a destination before you plan your stay.

In the list below we give you the ten safe countries to drive in so that the next time you plan drive and look around, you know where to head for. This list has been created after a detailed survey of the road conditions of 193 countries by the University of Michigan, Transport Research Institute keeping in mind the number of accidents and deaths from road crashes.

  1. Switzerland

At first, driving in Switzerland might make you a little nervous, courtesy the obscure Alpine passes, super highways and numerous narrow tunnels – however the roads in Switzerland are surprisingly smooth, maintained and bear clear road signs which make for a cherished getaway driving experience.

  1. The Netherlands

This country offers a modern highway system which is super easy to navigate for natives and foreigners alike. Off late, the government is taking numerous measures to keep the roads safe by arresting traffic offenders, drunk drivers and road ragers. Therefore, if you intend to drive around the country instead of availing the well connected public transport system of Amsterdam, you are welcome to do so in this country which is definitely one of the safe countries to drive in.  

  1. Antigua and Barbuda

This twin island country in America offer one of the best driving experiences in the world owing to minimal road fatalities. If you want to enjoy a car drive or a motorcycle ride on the beach, you are more than welcome to do so. The large roads in Antigua are in great conditions however smaller roads can be a little rugged. Most of the roads have a speed limit of 40 mph. The only thing to keep in mind is that the traffic drives on the left side of the road. Although a few holiday-ers has remarked about stray animals and potholes on the roads, you can still be assured of a great holiday on the beach.

  1. Tonga

Tonga is yet another island off the South Pacific which offers great driving roads to it’s visitors. The traffic in this locale again moves on the left and you won’t find any road assistance. Most of the roads in Tonga are not paved which might become a hassle if you are driving here for the first time. Another important aspect to keep in mind is the absence of stop lights on the roads in Tonga. Drivers stop at every roundabout and let the vehicles on the right pass them first. However, there is something about road safety and islands, which makes Tonga one of the safe countries to drive in.

  1. Israel

Exploring this small but interesting country is best achieved by driving around. Israel has an up to date, well signed and maintained road network system. There is no need to possess an international license to drive in Israel as long as you possess a valid foreign driving license. Traffic drives on the right. However, be mindful of where you park your car. The parking regulations are stringent and maybe quick to charge you with tickets or worst still, towing of your vehicle.

  1. Marshall Islands

The Republic of Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean is situated close to the equator line. Marshall Islands is a part of a group of islands called Micronesia. The island is inhabited by about 70000 people and the road crash fatality rate is 4 per 100000 which make it one of the safe countries to drive in, especially if you want to drive around the innumerable beaches. However, you must apply for a driver’s license in Marshall Islands in order to drive legally in this country. You do not have to appear for any tests - just a fee of $20 and your home country driving license would suffice.

  1. Fiji

In spite of possessing narrow and poorly maintained roads, Fiji surprisingly features in this list as one of the safe countries to drive in. Visitors have previously complained about crazy taxi van drivers, pedestrians and animals on the roads. One has to be particularly careful about driving at nights as absence of road signs or reflectors makes it difficult to understand where you are headed. However, driving along the coral coast will be a memorable affair!

  1. Malta

This small island of the Mediterranean provides a great seat for holiday driving . The standard European driving regulations are applicable here with a few additions and exceptions which you can look through before hiring a car rental. In case you are driving your own car, you need to have a GB sticker put on your car. It is advisable to carry a reflective jacket in the car in case of any emergency.

  1. Tajikistan

Tajikistan has reported the second lowest number of road crashes among most of the countries in the world and therefore features in our list as one of the safe countries to drive in. This landlocked mountainous country exhibits recently constructed highways and tunnels and has improved it’s transportation infrastructure to a great deal over the recent years.

  1. Maldives

When it comes to Maldives, all we can think about are the world class beaches, tropical climate and the luxurious resorts. And now, here’s another feather on it’s cap. Maldives is the most safe countries to drive in with road crash fatalities at being 2 for every 100000 people. If you are a savvy driver and looking for a destination to drive around you know where to head for your next summer holiday. However, as always, it is advisable to look through the foreigner’s driving rules and the road regulations before you begin your journey.

Happy holidaying and happy driving to you!

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