Motor insurance is a legal requirement for those driving personal and business cars. Many drivers and businesses view it in the wrong light. Rather than seeing it as a great method of protecting them against losses, they see it as unnecessary and hindrance to their driving.
Young drivers in particular are taking great risks when it comes to acquiring proper insurance for their vehicles. 1 in 3 (around 34%) of all uninsured drivers are under the age of thirty. 23,000 people are injured and 160 people are killed every year by uninsured drivers. These drivers also cost insured drivers n extra £30-£90 a year on top of their insurance premiums.
2011’s Continuous Insurance enforcement law shows that the Government wants to stop this problem on our roads and are requiring insurance even if they car is kept off the road.
According to the Motor Insurance Bureau those driving without insurance are five times more likely to be involved in a road traffic accident, fail to comply with other road traffic requirements and be engaged in other criminal activities.
Underinsurance is also an issue and could see drivers out of pocket and with their insurance invalidated. When looking for cheap car insurances, many drivers don’t realise there are gaps in the covers often offered to them. These gaps often leads to problems making claims an can leave drivers with large repair costs and sometimes legal bills to pay.
As brokers, our role is to guide you to finding the right insurance product for your needs. We can help spread the costs of your insurances over the year. If you would like to speak to a member of our team about your business car insurances call us on 0161 879 6002. Our team can assist you with your personal vehicles or vehicles used for your business including fleets or even specialist equipment such as cherry pickers.