If you are in charge of insuring your company’s vehicles we may have a way to save you some times and money.
If you have more than one vehicle, look at moving to a fleet insurance policy.
Fleet policies can be sold in number of 2 or more and cover almost every type of vehicle including;
- Cars
- Vans
- Minibuses
- Trucks
- Cherry pickers
- Special types
- And more.
It’s really simple to change too. All you need to do it call a specialist such as Well Dunn. We can take all the details of the vehicles, the types of drivers you have and look at how we can utilise the no-claims discounts to demonstrate that your business’s vehicles are well maintained and looked after.
By moving to a fleet you will have one renewal date and you can easily move your vehicles around your drivers without having to phone your insurance provider every time someone needs a different vehicle.
To read more about our fleet insurance, visit the page or ask for a quote.