What is Employers’ Liability Insurance?

Well Dunn Insurance Blog , Liability Insurance , FAQs

Employers’ Liability Insurance is a form of cover that is compulsory for anyone who employs staff. It provides legal protection in the instance that an employee is injured or becomes ill as a result of the work they do for you.

Your Employers’ Liability Insurance policy must cover you for at least £5 million and come from an authorised insurance provider (which Well Dunn Insurance is).

Employers’ Liability is vital for business owners, as it helps you to pay compensation in the event that an employee launches a successful legal claim against you.

It is further necessary to take out an Employers’ Liability policy as you can be fined £2,500 every day you are not properly insured. You can also be fined £1,000 if you do not display your EL certificate or refuse to make it available to inspectors when they ask.

However, you may not be required to take out Employer’s Liability Insurance if you employ a family member or someone who is based overseas, but this is always worth checking.

Well Dunn insurance is very experienced in this sector of the insurance market and can always find you a competitive price. Visit our Liability Insurance page for more information.

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