If you are considering buying a new car, most likely you will consider trading your old car for the new purchase. If you sell your car privately, you will earn a considerable amount against your car depreciation value. Although it requires much hard work – more than trading it at a dealer’s, but you are sure to strike an excellent deal. While numerous consumers complain that they do not get sufficient resale value for their well-maintained car, below are a few suggestions which can probably make some difference in the value of your car depreciation. These trade in tips and handy and easy to implement so next time you intend to change your car, you can consider these points below and strike a happy deal.
Fix minor problems and dents
Even though you have lived with a window of your vehicle which does not roll down easily, a ripped side panel or minor dents here and there, your buyers might not be ok with that and you might run the chances of a greater car depreciation. Therefore, such small issues would have to be fixed by your dealer who would in turn slice off a considerable portion of the value of your old as against these repairs. The best thing is to address the repairs yourself before you bid your vehicle for a trade in. You could also consider replacing the battery for the dealer to understand that the vehicle has been well taken care of.
Consider changing the tyres
Your car’s tyres say a lot about your driving habits and dealers can use it to negotiate a price for the vehicle which might be, well below your expectations. Examine the conditions of your tyres and if they are in a dilapidated state, consider replacing them for inexpensive tyres before you exchange your car. If you have curb rashes, ensure that you have them fixed before a dealer sees them. Most of the times dealers would not get them fixed and the rest might justify such issues as a reason for selling your car at a lower price.
Wash it however do not take out all your belongings before making a deal
Wash your car before you take it for a trade-in or better still, get a professional to do it for you. Wash and clean the wheels, vacuum the interiors, remove dirt and crumbs, apply some tyre shine and do everything possible to make your car look clean and presentable. However, refrain from taking out all your papers and other belongings at once before meeting the dealer. Once the dealer takes your car for a test drive and notices that you are ready to sell your car, they will not budge while you negotiate. Even if you are ready to sell off your car, do not express it right away to your dealer. Pretend as if you are considering so that they revisit your car depreciation value.
Advertise on the web with complete details and upload lots of photos
There are a host of social media platforms and websites where you can advertise and receive deals on your old car. Uploading enough photos gives you an edge over the other sellers therefore take good photographs, preferably by taking it to a place with a beautiful background. When you advertise think about intelligent ways to make the write up. Emphasize on the unique features of your car which caught your attention during the time you decided to buy it. Be diligent about adding all the technical information about your car and verify them before you post it. Ensure that your listing is effective. Place your ad in multiple websites. And most importantly, be open and honest about the condition of the car.
Ask for a legitimate price
The web has made it easy for consumers to buy and sell cars with ease. Log onto any of such websites and fill in the required information about your to know it’s best selling price. You can also obtain an idea of the selling values of the vehicles in your locality by checking websites which portray local sales advertisements. Most buyers will log onto one of these websites and therefore, the expectation setting will be done on the website itself.
Keep all your car papers handy
Ensure that you have all the documents of car neatly filed and maintained. This includes all the ownership, maintenance and service records and details of every tax and insurance paid. Customers get a lot of peace of mind if they see that you have maintained your papers carefully which will imply that you are a careful owner and must have cared for your vehicle as well. As a result, your car depreciation value will not be deflated.
Patience is virtue
You do not have to say yes to the first offer which comes your way. Most of the deals which come your way might not meet your expectations, however do not get frustrated. While these customers might even be ready to pay you the entire amount in cash, do not give in. If you are not in an emergency to sell off your car, then wait for the ideal offer to come by.
Deal with potential buyers carefully
If you have decided to handle the car selling process yourself, ensure that you do it carefully. Agree to meet in public places and conduct a background check of your potential buyers before you agree to meet them. Refrain from letting potential buyers take your car for a test drive. Accept payments in cash, money order or certified cheque and do not let go of the ownership until you have received the payment. Ideally, make the transaction happen in a bank so that you have simultaneously verified the payment.
Selling a car is a tedious task and if you are looking to receive the best of deals as against the cost of your car depreciation, you might have to spare a lot of time towards it. After all, it is one of the biggest financial transactions you will make in your life. Therefore, taking it slow and steady might be a good idea of doing it!